As we know our hospitality industry going by very unfortunate time, as we said every situation have two sides of coin, one is bad and one is good, I will skip the bad side of coin as it’s not in human control until now, hence we have no option to think about it. The other side of the coin which is a good one, is always optimistic & we can discuss here what we can do at this critical time.

I have almost completed two decades in the hotel industry, in my past, I saw lots of up & down in this industry by different kind of taught situation, such as 9/11, Tsunami, World Economic Crises (2008), just because of the second side of the coin we always win these battles. So, I will request all not to be panic, soon there will be full stop & new line will start where we will overcome the situation, so let's discuss what we can do in this scenario of course other side of the coin.
1. Now we should prepare ourselves for the future, everyone knows now a days everything is based on technology driven, so now we have to focus on technology, this is my suggestion we should utilize this time to learn new technologies.
2. We know health is wealth being a hotelier we never get sufficient time for this, so now this the best time so kindly focus on this.
3. Our all near and dear has always complaining us because we don't have sufficient time for them so we should focus on those relationships who is not in shape due to our lifestyle, this is the best time to maintain it.
4. Worship will always be given the strength to fight with bad time so we can go in deeper so you have sufficient time to remember your God.
5 Cosmic energies have great power and meditation is the best way to grab cosmic energy so you can utilize your time for that.
6. Yoga is the neutral way to maintain your entire body so you can do yoga in these days.
7. Reading is the best way to concentrate yourself in these days you can read your holy books like Geeta, Quran, Bible or Guru Granth or any book who can give you inner peace.
8. Also, you can utilize this time for your children career counselling and seat with them and understand their life challenges believe me you can become a good friend of them.
9. Everyone has one or two hobbies, but we have no time for them, so you can give some time for your hobbies.
10. Lots of hotelier is thinking to change their line, believe me no need to change your career, hospitality industry is always best industry and very soon we will overcome, so have patience and courage.
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Being a hotelier, we cannot find the vaccine of Corona, but at least we can generate a vaccine who can kill our inner negativity.
Still, you cannot do anything from the above list, then my suggestion is to go and change your blood group to B+, maybe it can remove your negativity.